Blower Door Test

The Blower Door is a vital tool to ensure comfort, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality. It is also a very important variable in your heating and cooling equipment sizing calculation. Every new house built after 2016 requires a blower door test for C of O. We can provide this test, and all of the necessary paperwork will be provided directly to the code enforcement officer.

Air Leakage Diagnostics

If your project is not passing the test, Rochester Passive House Consulting can diagnose the problem, and develop an air sealing solution to ensure passing. We can utilize tools such as Infrared Scans, Pressure Diagnostics and Blower Door assisted air sealing to bring even the leakiest homes below the code required limit.

Duct Leakage Testing

Did you know any time ductwork is outside the conditioned space, an air leakage test is required for the ductwork? This test ensures tight ductwork to meet code, but more importantly makes sure the poor air quality of your attic isn’t brought into your house! Rochester Passive House Consulting can test and diagnose large duct leaks to make sure your heating and cooling duct system will be operating as efficiently as possible.

Manual J/S/D – Heating and Cooling Load Calculations

A larger heating and cooling system is not a better heating and cooling system. The system is designed to be able to heat and cool your house on the coldest and hottest days of the year. 99% of the time the temperatures do not require the system to operate at this capacity. It is important to right size your system, and let it run more often to maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity level as well as cost less to operate. Rochester Passive House Consulting can provide the load calculations to your heating contractor to make sure the correct size system is installed.

Site Inspections / On Site Training

As a Certified Passive House Tradesperson we can make site visits during framing to make sure the important air sealing details are accounted for. Proper sealing before drywall is vital to make sure the building will be sufficiently tight to meet even the tightest standards. On Site training with the builder, insulator, framer or any other subcontractor can be very worthwhile. Identifying the building air barrier will keep everyone on the same page as to where the air seal needs to take place.

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